Israeli Innovation: Revolutionizing Healthcare Globally

Israeli Innovation: Revolutionizing Healthcare Globally

Written by Esther Loewy, MIBA Senior Director of Market Expansion – Michigan/US

As MIBA’s Senior Director of Market Expansion for Michigan/US, I’m dedicated fostering awareness of business partnership opportunities in Michigan, with a particular focus on HealthTech this September.  I attended three key events during Israel’s HealthTech Week, highlighted by initiatives and conferences from Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, which Newsweek recently ranked the 9th Best Hospital in the World.

  • SHEBA Sparc’s Cohort lll Pitch Event:  Sparc is Sheba’s Global Entrepreneurship Program designed to provide mentorship, guidance and a roadmap to commercialization for  innovative clinicians, from Sheba and world leading medical institutions. Each cohort, typically made up of medical department heads and senior clinicians, spends a week in the US engaging with their counterparts.
  • Digital Health Dougri: Titled “From the Startup Garage to the Belly of the Corporate Beast,” this event, organized by leading VCs Fusion and Arkin Digital Health, took place at Google for Startups Tel Aviv. It aimed to provide insights from successful Israeli entrepreneurs on engaging with American healthcare corporations. Even as an audience participant,  Esther presented Michigan’s healthcare opportunities, which subsequently yielded interest from several Israeli healthcare companies. 
  • Sheba ARC’s Annual Health Summit: This event capped off the intensive week, bringing together global healthcare leaders from Deloitte, UST, Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, MSD, aMoon, and Startup Nation Central at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv. They explored Sheba ARC’s global impact on healthcare, strategic partnerships with hospitals in the US, Europe, and Australia, and its successful methodology for driving open innovation. Notably, several delegates selected by the MIBA for the subsequent Israeli Healthcare Delegation to Michigan were featured. 


Strategic partnerships have proven a key component to driving Shebas’ innovation success with leading healthcare systems. Together with my team in Michigan and Israel, I’m diligently working to position Michigan as a premier partner for their future endeavors!

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